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Showing posts with the label JOHNSON AND JOHNSON

Does Johnson And Johnson Baby Powder Cause Cancer?

Does Johnson And Johnson Baby Powder Cause Cancer?  JOHNSON AND JOHNSON POWDER REVIEW      Johnson baby powder in India is not a new name or it does not need introduction. It’s all mothers favorite brand. The sweet, soft, fragrance it has makes children feel easy and good.   JOHNSON’S  Baby talc products are made using U.S. Pharmacopoeia  (USP) grade talc to ensure it meets the highest-quality, purity and compliance standards. Talc is carefully selected, processed and tested to ensure that is asbestos free, as confirmed by regular testing conducted since the 1970s.  Our confidence in using talc is based on a long history of safe use and more than 30 years of research by independent researchers, scientific review boards and global regulatory authorities.      I am using Johnson’s baby powder to set my makeup or bake my face. As quirky as it sounds it works pretty well. I got this idea from some you tubers they have t...