Redmi K30 5G Smartphone to be launched in 2020. Redmi K30 5G The Redmi K30 series was first launched in China. Since then, the news of the launch of this series in India was becoming increasingly viral on social media. According to media reports, only the 4G variants of the K30 series will be introduced in India. Talking about the specification, the company has given a 6.67-inch full HD Plus punch whole display in the 4G variant of this phone, which has a resolution of 1080x2400 pixels. Along with this, Corning Gorilla Glass 5 will be supported for screen protection. Apart from this, the company will support Snapdragon 735G chipset in Redmi K30 for better performance to the users. Talking about the camera, the company has given a quad camera setup (four cameras) in this phone, which has a 64 megapixel Sony IMX 686 sensor, 5 megapixel macro lens, 2 megapixel depth sensor and 2 megapixel sensor lens. On the other hand, users will get 20 megapixels and 2 megapixel sensors in th...
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